Social networking sites are becoming more and more popular day by day. It is now becoming a norm to log onto these sites on a daily basis and read up on what your friends are doing. With this in mind, websites are now becoming to use these sames sites as well. Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter are some of these social networking sites these businesses are starting to use.
But why would you use social networking sites?
- Keep customers informed with new products
- Quickly put out updates, whether it is a sale, or site construction etc.
- Collaborate with customers and find new ideas, by using their feedback from comments
- Promote new products and ideas
- Advertising
As you can see, there are already several reasons why web site developers should now use these important social networking sites. Even though you might not want to be involved with some of these tactics, other sites are doing it, which frankly means you have to be doing it. Website SEO you have to go with the norm and more, no more of not giving into peer pressure. There is a trick though to using Social Networking Sites, better and more efficiently than others. Here is one trick that your sure to succeed with.
I have only came across this idea only once in the past and I thought it was a great idea, and it appeared to be working for the business tremendously. A representative from the Snuggy company creating several fan pages for almost every college in the United States. They than invited a few people for each fan page and this soon started a swarm of people to help support the school. The titles were called things like, support your vikings, support your ducks, support your beavers etc. There was actually a ranking involved with each fan page that said how your school was competing with other schools in the number of fans were following thus causing people to want to invite more people.
Your probably wondering why these fan pages matters and it is really the key to the entire process. The snuggy representative than sent a message to each of the fan pages he created, hundreds of them, and told people to buy their college snuggy in order to support the school. Coincidentally, their is a snuggy for almost every school so this representative knew exactly what they were doing. He was able to create a market that was demographically perfect for his product in a particular city.
As you can see, this might not work perfectly for what your trying to market but it is a great idea which isn't being done that much. With some modifications and other ideas, you can easily turn Social Networking sites into a marketing alternative you cant leave without. Not only will you be following the norm than, but you'll also be doing it better than your competition which will quickly lead into better success.