Thursday, January 6, 2011

Website Demographics and site Optimization

One of the most common things I hate about websites that I run into is that the webmaster didn't design it properly for his audience. I often see sites where the ads will cover up links. Or the ads will enlarge and virtually make it impossible to get around. This is often frustrating enough that I give up and leave the site. Their are other times when it all works and runs properly but they are sticking a narrow width when most people have huge LCDs. Besides these mistakes, their are still people out there that don't understand that not everyone uses Internet Explorer, in fact news was just released today stating that FireFox is more widely used in Europe and Google Chrome is starting to catch up.

 Things to look at while designing your site
  • Look in all browsers including, FireFox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Safari
  • If your site relies on mobile phones, try a few.
  • Test all links and drop down navigation's with all of your ads enabled within each browser. You might be surprised by some of the things you find.
Install a few scripts that might help you out
  • offers a free useful hit counter which will give you a lot of information. This includes the users OS, resolution, area, search terms. After given this information, take the top few picks and see how your site views in the "Users" eye.
  • Google Analytic s -  This tool is useful to tell things about optimizing your site for the search engines.